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As the workplace landscape continues to evolve, so does the understanding of employee wellness. In 2024, 组织正在采用创新的策略来优先考虑员工的身体状况, 心理和财务健康. 虽然各组织在过去几年可能已经扩大了对心理健康的支持, 一些公司现在正在转向并采用一种全面的员工福利方法.

1. 支持员工倦怠

雇主不应该期望员工的倦怠很快就会消失. 健康门户网站提供商MediKeeper的一份2024年趋势报告指出,有毒的工作场所, 长时间, 人员配备不足, 缺乏认可, interpersonal conflict and unclear or inexplicable workplace policies are contributing to employee burnout. 因此,组织可能会优先考虑预防和减轻职业倦怠的策略. 灵活的工作安排, realistic workload expectations and designated downtime are being implemented to help employees maintain a healthy work-life balance. 此外, companies could encourage open communication channels that allow employees to voice their concerns and seek support as needed.

在一个相关的笔记中, many employers will renew their focus on mental health in 2024 as they acknowledge the impact of mental health on employees’ overall well-being. 员工援助计划(eap), counseling services and stress management workshops are increasingly becoming key components of workplace wellness initiatives. 越来越多的雇主也在投入资源,消除心理健康问题的污名化.g., 反歧视运动, mental health literacy training and EAPs) and foster a culture where employees feel comfortable seeking mental health support.

2. 集成技术

Technological advancements will shape a new employee wellness landscape that incorporates digital health platforms, 可穿戴技术和人工智能解决方案. More employers will explore these types of technology to understand how to integrate them into wellness or employee-focused programs.

技术可以实现实时运行状况监控, 个性化的健康计划和全天候的医疗资源和服务. 虚拟卫生平台可以帮助克服获得卫生保健的障碍. In 2024, 应用程序有望超越健身追踪和正念练习的功能, 营养指导和个性化健康计划. 尽管有其局限性, AI-driven approaches have the potential to promote preventive health care and detect or manage health issues. Personalized data allows employees to understand their health better and make informed decisions about their health or lifestyle. Employers are leveraging technology to tailor and improve their employees’ well-being experiences.

3. 扩大财务健康计划

Money is a top stressor for employees and concerns have been exacerbated by prolonged inflation pressures throughout 2023. 经济压力会严重影响一个人的心理和情绪健康. In 2024, employers are expected to extend their wellness programs to include financial education and support to help contribute to a more secure and stable workforce.

Employers can consider the following common personal financial goals as they design their financial support efforts:

  • 建立应急储蓄
  • 驾驭现金流变化
  • 管理债务
  • 选择合适的健康保险和福利
  • 为生活中的重大事件做准备
  • 为退休储蓄

许多组织雇佣多代员工, 这意味着员工经常面临独特的财务压力. 提供救济, some employers offer financial wellness programs that vary in complexity but can include virtual personal financial planning meetings, 学费发还及研讨会. eap还可以帮助员工应对财务挑战. 这个想法是为劳动力提供各种各样的服务. Employers can help reduce employee financial stress by exploring financial wellness resources and support options and offering attractive programs for current and prospective employees. 财务健康是幸福的重要组成部分,可以是一个有竞争力的产品.

4. 采取全面的健康方法

把身体、精神和情感健康区分开来的日子已经结束了. 在2024年,组织将采用一种考虑整个员工的整体方法. 例如, 整体健康计划包括营养, 健身, 心理健康和压力管理. An integrated approach aims to create a work environment that nurtures every aspect of an employee's well-being, 培养平衡感和适应力.

This renewed focus on holistic wellness is not just a trend; it's a fundamental shift in how companies approach employee care. 组织可以创造一种鼓励教育的支持性文化, open conversations and utilization of available resources by prioritizing mental and financial well-being in health and wellness initiatives.

5. 培育关怀的企业文化

Perhaps the most transformative trend is the conscious effort to cultivate a culture of care within organizations. This goes beyond workplace policies and programs; it's about fostering an environment where employees feel seen, 听到, 重视和支持. 团队建设活动, mentorship programs and leadership training focused on empathy and emotional intelligence are becoming integral components of organizational efforts.

此外,心理安全越来越受到雇主的重视. Being psychologically safe means employees feel secure in talking and being vulnerable in front of others. 当员工愿意寻求帮助时,组织会受益, 分享想法或挑战现状,而不必担心负面后果. 领导者在培养工作场所的心理安全方面发挥着至关重要的作用, 从最上面开始. Employers can foster a psychologically safe work environment by reflecting on leadership styles, 照顾分散的员工,表达对员工的关心. 员工健康计划在这方面发挥了完美的作用. Employers can proactively train employees and managers on psychological safety to raise awareness and teach supportive behaviors and practices that foster trust and transparency around health and wellness topics (e.g.(倦怠和压力). Remember that psychological safety is a key work dynamic that takes time to build but just moments to destroy. It comes down to employers creating opportunities for open feedback and dialogue so employees can be themselves in the work environment.


2024年,员工健康将成为人们关注的焦点, 随着组织认识到物理的相互联系的本质, 心理和财务健康. 越来越多的雇主正在为全面改善工作场所的健康状况铺平道路. 随着这些趋势的发展, employees can expect a more supportive and nurturing work environment that values their overall health and happiness.

Organizations can start by evaluating current wellness initiatives and thinking about ways to improve them. 确保产品和投资与员工产生共鸣, it can be helpful to survey employees first and see what they find most valuable and necessary for their overall well-being. 梅高美集团4858以获得更多与健康相关的工作场所指导.

This Benefits Insights is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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