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在COVID-19大流行之前,临床医生的职业倦怠很普遍, 随着更多职场困境和道德困境的出现,这种情况还在继续. Clinicians have experienced concerns about contracting the COVID-19 virus and taking it home to their families as well as longer hours and increased workloads, 人力资源短缺, 技术问题, 法规遵从困难, 还有更多.

61%的医生现在报告说有倦怠感, 自2018年以来,哪项增长显著. 为了对抗这种倦怠, 医疗保健组织应该优先考虑临床医生的健康和幸福. Leaders should identify and modify processes and systems in their healthcare organizations that fuel clinician burnout. 应为临床医生提供积极的工作和学习环境. It also may benefit healthcare organizations to create a leadership role and function that is responsible for the professional well-being of all clinicians.

The following risk tips include more specific details on mitigating clinician burnout and fostering professional well-being.

  • 监测临床医生被要求工作的小时数, 尽量有效地分配每周的工作时间, 在可能的情况下调整人员配置程序和时间表. 确保临床医生有足够的休息时间.
  • 注意临床医生的时间限制. 评估总工作量和临床医生职责的复杂性, 包括继续专业医学教育, 认证维护, 所需的机构学习模块, 以及在规定时间之外完成的工作. 
  • Provide adequate resources including sufficient and effective personal protective equipment.
  • Provide ongoing assessment of clinicians’ health and well-being to respond to their needs and identify risks or emerging issues. This monitoring can be done using data and validated measurement tools to guide system-oriented efforts to minimize burden, 保护隐私, and address any stigma or pressure that clinicians may perceive related to measurement or reporting.
  • Reduce the stigma and eliminate the barriers associated with obtaining the support and services needed to manage burnout. Identify mental health professionals and counseling options available to support clinicians, and eliminate obstacles that discourage access to professional and personal support programs for individual clinicians.
  • 为临床医生的人身安全提供适当的措施, and acknowledge and address concerns about their safety as well as their families’ safety.
  • Provide access to resources such as coaching and adequate time for professional and personal development. 如果可能的话,请临床医生指导其他临床医生. 
  • Promote a work culture in which clinicians feel supported and able to speak up without repercussions. Give them a psychologically safe environment to openly talk about barriers to their well-being, 包括压力和倦怠. 将有关压力的项目纳入一般护理实践.
  • 识别组织环境的任何部分, culture, 基础设施可能导致临床医生倦怠. Closely monitor implemented technology for negative consequences and create a mitigation plan to address any issues.
  • 鼓励临床医生报告安全事故, such as encounters with violent people or exposure to blood or bodily fluids; adopt policies and procedures for immediate follow-up.
  • Do not require clinicians to return to work during critical situations that may pose a continuing or serious danger to their lives until action has been taken to ameliorate it. 如果临床医生在工作场所接触COVID-19后感染, 一定要给他们补偿, 康复, 必要时提供治疗服务并提供所需的任何其他资源.
  • Facilitate peer support programs, and create opportunities for professional connection. 给自己时间去思考和处理. Encourage clinicians to check in with their teammates and regularly connect with meaning. Encourage them to maintain professional connections and prioritize where to focus energies.
  • 让临床医生接受教育, informed, and up-to-date on information and technical updates regarding COVID-19 via a central access point if possible. 确保他们熟悉技术更新.
  • 为临床医生提供适当的评估工具, triage, test, 对患者进行治疗,并对他们进行感染预防和控制的教育.
  • Evaluate how business and 管理 decisions may affect work demands and resources, 患者护理质量和安全, 以及倦怠程度, 并根据需要调整决策.
  • 建立临床医生之间的合作与协作机制, 管理, 临床团队.
  • 支持新想法的实施, 方法, 技术可以提高临床医生的健康水平,提高医疗质量. Implement evidence-based 方法 to reduce the risk of burnout while ensuring the appropriate development of competencies, skills, 专业, 道德标准.
  • 考虑为临床医生的职业福利研究指定资金.




美国医学协会: No One Should Care Alone: Creating Processes for Intentional Professional Connection in a time of "Social Distancing"... and Beyond...




MedPro Group: Five Ways Healthcare Organizations Can Confront Burnout and Build Cultures of Well-Being and Resiliency


The Physician's Foundation: 2021 Survey of America's 医生 COVID-19 Impact Edition: A Year Later


医师基金会. (2021). 2021年美国医生COVID-19影响版调查:一年后.

从检索 http://physiciansfoundation.o...

美国医学协会. (2021年3月29日). 在COVID-19期间管理心理健康. 检索自www.amaassn.org/delivering-care/public-health/managing-mental-health-during-covid-19; National Academies of Sciences, 工程, 和医学. (2019). Taking action against clinician burnout: A systems approach to professional well-being. 华盛顿特区:国家科学院出版社. http://doi.org/10.17226/25521; Berg, S. (2020年3月12日). 应对医生职业倦怠必须改变的6件大事. 美国医学协会. 检索自www.amaassn.org/practice-管理/physician-health/6-big-things-must-change-beat-physician-burnout; National Academies of Sciences, 工程, 和医学. (n.d.). 医疗保健领导对临床医生职业倦怠采取行动的清单. 从检索 http://nam.edu/systems-approa...

This document does not constitute legal or medical advice and should not be construed as rules or establishing a standard of care. 因为适用于你的情况的事实可能会有所不同, 或者您所在司法管辖区适用的法律可能不同, please contact your attorney or other professional advisors if you have any questions related to your legal or medical obligations or rights, 州或联邦法律, 合同的解释, 或者其他法律问题.

MedPro Group is the marketing name used to refer to the insurance operations of The Medical Protective Company, 普林斯顿保险公司, PLICO, Inc. 和MedPro RRG风险保留组. All insurance products are underwritten and administered by these and other Berkshire Hathaway affiliates, 包括国家消防 & 海上保险公司. Product availability is based upon business and/or regulatory approval and may differ among companies. 

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